Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Trees!!

Heading to get Christmas Trees! Yes, Colby is driving us!!
Ryan thought it would be a good time to get some driving in. He did a good job, we made it safe!

The girls looking for the perfect tree!

There was a little snow so of course the kids had to play!

A little bit of snow fights!

A lot of snowballs being thrown!

And a lot of playing around!

Ryan found his mom the perfect little tree to add smell to her house!

Our tree, so pretty!

Ryan cutting our tree down!!

I think he enjoys this??!!!
My dads tree, they like big wide full ones!!

It has pine cones!! I love the ones with pine cones!!

My niece, Maddy, KarLee, My dad and Linda and Colby and Ryan, Me taking the picture! WITH MY NEW CAMERA, a early Xmas present from my wonderful husband!!!!!!

After we went to roast hot dogs and marshmallows and look what we found....

Tracks we seen....... There were a lot, maybe wolves?!!! A pack of wolves?!


Elder & Sister Reynolds said...

Looked like fun, bought back childhood memories. Cute pictures - esp. those 2 newlyweds. Can I go next year??? xoxo

Elder & Sister Reynolds said...

Can really smell those big trees, thanks Ryan for my cute little one and remembering me. xoxo

Colby driving??? - he looks like a pro!!!