Monday, November 1, 2010

The 5 Love Languages
Go here to take the test to find out which "Love Language you are".

I think it is important to always try and find helpful ways to keep OUR marriage going strong. Today I read this and it reminded me of the Book The 5 Love Languages.

1. Make time with your husband a priority, and start speaking his love language.
While you should not go into this with thoughts of what you may get out of it (It is very important to never use physical intimacy to manipulate your husband.), you may be surprised to find that if you are more physically affectionate and open to him, he may respond by being more loving with you in your love language.
As he feels more secure in your love, he will reach out to you in more loving ways. Maybe words of affirmation...maybe will be surprised at how you can melt his heart with your love. And, really is that simple.

2. Do not underestimate the importance of physical intimacy in marriage. A good friend of mine calls it the "glue that holds us together".
God designed sex in marriage to be a blessing.
The marriage bed is "pure and undefiled".
So, we are supposed to enjoy one another, and make it fun.
(Don't believe me?
Have you ever read the Song of Solomon?)
Yes, it is for the purpose of reproduction...but also so much more.
It is meant to be a blessing to both of you.
Have you ever noticed that when we neglect this part of our relationship, there is more tension and distance?
But, when we are making it a priority, there is a bond of affection and often more patience.
We look at each other through eyes of love.
And that love and commitment is renewed and solidified in the act of marriage.
(The Act of Marriage is also the name of a really good book that encourages Christian couples in this area, too!)

3. Remember that your husband speaks a physical love language.
Your love and respect give him confidence to be the man he is called to be.
He needs this from you.
It is part (a big part) of your role as helpmate.
If he swats you on the behind as he walks through the kitchen, take it as a compliment and a sign of his affection. Be glad he thinks your behind is "swat-worthy".
And, you may just be surprised, if you begin responding to him in a physical way how he will respond to you.

4. Communicate with your husband about your needs and intimacy, using words of love and affirmation.
And make sure he feels safe communicating with you.
Remember this gift in marriage is not just for your husband, but for you too!

5. Don't let your body image keep you from enjoying your husband physically.
Some wives feel less than perfect (aren't we all!), especially when comparing themselves to the unattainable images bombarding us in all forms of media.
I think most husbands, though, are less critical, and maybe don't even see the flaws we see when we look in the mirror.
Most of the time, a man enjoys the soft physical beauty of his wife, and sees her through the eyes of love.
I know this may not always be the case, but I think it is most of the time. If this is an area you struggle with, I hope you found a little encouragement here.
And, hopefully this doesn't offend anyone.
I just want to encourage Christian wives to make loving their husbands a priority.

I found the website and wanted to post it here. It also has info I am going to get reading on Teenagers!

To learn more, and to take different assessments clink here:

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